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ketchikan yacht club

Est. 1933 at 55°20.5'N, 131°38.7'W, in Thomas Basin, Ketchikan, AK

About Us

Why Join a Yacht Club?

The reasons for joining are as varied as the folks who belong. Some want to meet other boaters with similar interests, others want to learn more about boating, some are sailboat racers and others like the social life that the club offers. If you are a boat owner, or are interested in boats, KYC probably has something to offer.


Membership in KYC is by invitation; any KYC member can sponsor an applicant.

Prospective members must have a sincere interest in pleasure boating, power or sail, of any type, and look forward to the association and friendship of others with like interests offered through Ketchikan Yacht Club membership.


New members, along with their sponsoring members, are required to submit a membership application form, along with the appropriate dues and initiation fee, to the club Secretary or Treasurer for action by the membership at the next regular meeting.

New members must be approved by a majority vote of those members present.

Prospective members must be excused from the meeting while their membership application is being considered.

Types of Membership

Active membership is for those who own a substantial interest in a pleasure boat at least 24 feet in length. Active members are entitled to all club member benefits.

Associate membership includes those who do not have substantial interest in a pleasure boat at least 24 feet in length. They are admitted under the same terms and conditions as active members.

Spousal membership is available for a husband or wife of a boating member upon request and payment of the required fees. The spouse has the same privileges as an active member except as stated in the bylaws.

Youth/Student Membership is available for legal dependents of a ycht club member upon request and payment of the required fee. Parents or Guardians are responsible for youth/student members when they are at KYC functions or on KYC property.


Please contact us for the current year’s fees for initiation and annual membership dues.

New members will receive a membership card, bylaws, clubhouse combination & passwords from the Secretary or Treasurer at their first meeting.

Youth/Student members will receive a membership card and burgee.


The Ketchikan Yacht Club (KYC) is a domestic non-profit corporation, registered and licensed to do business in the State of Alaska. The Ketchikan Yacht Club blog is an information service for members and guests, and a public advertisement for the Ketchikan Yacht Club.


Weather Underground PWS KAKKETCH25

(907) 225-3262
PO Box 6694, Ketchikan, AK 99901

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